Neuroscience Educational Material
These are PowerPoint educational slides for neuroscience. You DO NOT need PowerPoint to use these files. To download a file, simply click on the download icon and you will be prompted with more options. Please take the time to send me an email in order to make comments and or suggestions. How to run: Simply download, save and unzip the self-extractable file, then install the PowerPoint Viewer, and the file will run even if you do not have PowerPoint installed on your computer. |
End-Plate Potentials File Name:
Description: These slides are designed to visually describe the electrical potential created by the release of one or more ACh vesicles at the neural end-plate. The download is a self extracting Zip file that contains a PowerPoint Slide Show formatted file. |
(B&W vision) File Name:
Description: Two files. The first present an image of a rod cell with six lables that you
can click-thru. The lables include the cGMP-gated Na+ channel, K+-gated channel, The download is a self extracting Zip file that contains two PowerPoint Slide Shows that are ready to play. |
Pathway & the three Cells File Name:
Description: This file is a continuation of the Rods
file above. It has a graphical representation of how light and dark effect rod cells, which in turn effect bipolar cells and then ganglion cells. The images are arranged with
respective graphs showing changes in membrane potential and the background firing rate of the ganglion cell. The download is a self extracting Zip file that contains a PowerPoint Slide Show formatted file. |
Visual Fields File Name:
Description: This file presents the left and right visual hemifields with respect to the nasal and temporal hemiretinas. Five visual fields are represented, including The download is a self extracting Zip file that contains a PowerPoint Slide Show formatted file. |
Field Lesions & File Name:
Description: This file presents the various visual The download is a self extracting Zip file that contains a PowerPoint Slide Show formatted file. |
Brain-Stem File Name:
Description: These slides are useful for a lecture/review of the brain stem anatomy; including the relationship of the cranial nerves nuclei to their respective tracts. These slides are meant to be used in conjunction slides or pictures of neuroanatomical cross-sections of the brain stem. The download is a self extracting Zip file that contains a PowerPoint Slide Show formatted file. |
PowerPoint Viewer (32-bit) File Name:
Description: A program that allows you to view PowerPoint presentations without having PowerPoint installed. This Viewer runs with Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51. |
August 03, 2001